Black Beauty

March 25, 2010

By Anna Sewell
Reviewed by Caroline Durand
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell, is the story of a horse, Black Beauty, and his travels. The book teaches of the effects of animal cruelty, as well as the virtues of loyalty and friendship.  Touching the life of all readers, this great novel is an exciting and, at the same time, a sad piece of literature.

Black Beauty begins his life on a farm, sheltered from life’s hard truth. Before long, he is thrust into this dreadful mix. He is forced to work long hours with little rest. He is constantly sold from one place to another, never knowing what awaits him. His life is filled with the death and destruction of his dear friends.  His heath begins to decline….

Animal cruelty, loyalty, and friendship are found in Black Beauty. Because of animal cruelty, one of Black Beauty’s true friends is killed, an event easily prevented had this evil been avoided. Because of Black Beauty’s loyalty to his friends, when he sees Ginger almost dead, he makes her last moments happy. When times become hard for Black Beauty, his memories of his friends help him carry on.

The book is an exciting piece of literature, as well an emotional novel. Anna Sewell does a wonderful job with characterization as well as capturing the reader in the plot.  Her chapters flow well and her characters seem real. I recommend this book to all horse lovers and teens.

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