
December 20, 2009

By Gabrielle Zevin
Reviewed by Sommer Tobey
Rated 4 out of 5 stars

“I’m dead. What in the world do I have to get up for?” When Elizabeth Hall wakes up on a strange boat called the S.S Nile, and a girl she has never met before on the top bunk above her, she thinks she is surely dreaming. Nothing makes sense to her, and no one seems to explain anything either. She does not understand that everything is not a dream. But what truly confuses and depresses her is the fact that instead of staying the same age while dead, everyone ages backward. She will never turn 16, or get married, or go to prom, and that makes Liz hate elsewhere even more. The strange world of elsewhere, that should welcome her, does nothing of that sort. With everything that the real world has, elsewhere only reminds her of her family and friends who are alive and well. Liz tries to stay a part of earth, and wastes away months at OD’s, or observation decks, where she can view her loved ones. Liz will learn that mourning over her used-to-be life isn’t helping her at all, and will understand that life, or death must go on. Liz has to realize that her new life isn’t so different, and that there is a place for her in elsewhere too.

Elsewhere is a great story that will help you remember the small things. Gabrielle Zevin wrote a touching story that you won’t want to put down. I would recommend this book to teenage girls, and for people who aren’t afraid to cry a little bit.


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