The Lovely Bones

May 12, 2010

By Alice Sebold
Reviewed by Lizzie Sparks
Rated 5 out of 5 stars

the lovely bones“My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973.”

Susie Salmon lives the most normal life that a fourteen year old girl could.   She had a family and friends, but her entire life would come to a tragic close.  Walking home from school one night, the light of day ending, one of her neighbor’s meets her in the cornfield, having built something that could easily conceal them, or hide what they were about to do.  Susie’s mother and father worry for her, knowing that she should have been home hours ago.  Three days pass before one of the neighbor’s dog, bringing a detached elbow back to Susie’s parents.  They call up the detectives to investigate.

Years pass by, the police and detectives still try to find the reason for Susie’s death.  She watches her friends and family from her heaven, trying to speak with them whenever she feels she wants, or needs to.  Susie’s parents try to keep Buckley, Susie’s younger brother, from finding out about her murder, lying that she was staying at her friend’s house for a very long time.  Finally Susie’s parents decide to tell him, to let him know where Susie really was.  All of them were broken after Susie’s death, splitting them apart, ending their lives with each other.  Every year on December 6 they would pay tribute to Susie by holding a ceremony in her honor, but was that really what the Salmon’s wanted after a year, more attention drawn to them.

I strongly recommend this book to teenagers that like action, drama, and lots of romance.  Once you pick it up, you won’t want to put it down.


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