Night World (Huntress)

February 4, 2010

By: L.J. Smith
Reviewed by: Aly Maxian
Rated: 5 out of 5 stars

In “Huntress”, a vampire hunter, Jez, stalks her own kind to protect the humans. She started out as a vampire hunter and loved the feeling of seeing the humans get frightened. Then, she realizes that she is half human. She stops hunting humans and starts hunting vampires. Jez, gang leader, comes back to her gang when she finds out that her friend, Morgread, stubborn as ever, has a wild power, person who has a special gift, and needs to get it from him. After, what seems like forever for Jez, frightened as ever, finds out that the bad guys are trying to get the wild power and if they succeed then the world will come to an end for the humans. Jez is starting to like the humans and wants the humans to stay in power. Then, Jez finds out that there is more to the wild power then she meets. She is also battling between, Morgread and Hugh. Who will she take in the end? Will Jez find the more information? Will the good guys win?

          “Huntress is a great book that will keep you wanting more. It is fast paced and easy to read. Many things that you would never have guessed will happen. So, get ready for a big surprise. The best part about “Huntress” is the next book in the series has the same idea but different characters. The worst part about the book is that there are some boring parts but just read out of them, and it gets much more interesting.

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