Lord Loss

February 20, 2012

By Darren Shan
Reviewed by C. Simmons
Rated 3 out of 5 stars

“…I realize- life can always get worse.”

Poor Grubitsch Grady, or rather Grubbs as everyone called him, had no idea how unfortunately true his statement would become. After an embarrassing day at school, witch involved his mother yelling and his father uncharacteristically losing his temper, he decided to take vengeance on his sister by coating her towel with rat guts. Grounded for a month, he thought was the worst thing that could happen to him; he was wrong and his prior statement was unforgiving true. After a traumatic experience witch tore his family apart, literally, he found himself in an institution for an unknown amount of time.

Finally an escape was presented in the form of his uncle Dervish. Living in Carkerry Vale brang a new friend, discoveries good and bad, but over all it brang the most important decision of young Grubbs life. His decision could mean death for him, his uncle, and his friend if he chooses wrongly, but it could also mean a better life for all of them.

The point of view that the story was told from was first person. The author wrote as if he was Grubbs, and Grubbs was writing in a diary. The type of writing that Darren Shan used was short, one word sentences like in a magazine or an add, witch was new and uncanny to me.

I rated Lord Loss, by Darren Shan, 3 out of 5 stars because the book starts off with some really gruesome, vivid stuff and an over all negative spirit. However, later on in the book it becomes really interesting and even funny at some parts. I think the book had some good morals, such as over coming fears and having a good outlook on bad situations. I recommend this book for people that like graphic, gory books with a lot of hardship through out it.

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