The Arizona Kid

November 9, 2010

By Ron Koertge
Reviewed by Jax Maxian
Rated 4 out of 5 Stars

Coming to visit his gay uncle was not the problem for 16 year old Billy. The real issue was spending a whole summer away from his friends and going to Tuscan where the summers were scorching hot. The first minute when he got off the train, Billy fainted right in front of his cool uncle. What a great impression!

While at his gay uncle’s house in Tucson, Billy has to work at a race track as a stable hand. Let’s just say he is not the strongest or tallest boy in the world. But, when he meets Cara Mae, an exerciser at the race track, he starts to fall in love with her but she does not feel the same. Another stable hand at the track, Lew, shows Billy how to be more of a man and soon Billy will learn the ropes of a real working race track. But, when trouble comes in with a competing barn things start to turn Billy’s life around. He is forced to bet his college money that his bosses’ new filly will beat their gelding. You should know that the filly that they are betting will not even canter around the track without going crazy and bucking someone off. The whole barn works as a team to get this filly ready, but will she win?

The book The Arizona Kid was a very interesting book. It gave me a different perspective on the world and allowed me to see how the racing business is so competitive. It also shows how the worst situation can turn into the best and how a summer love starts and ends. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes horses or whoever is looking to find a different perspective of the world.

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