The Gollywhopper Games

October 6, 2010

By Jody Feldman
Reviewed by Heidi Inderwies
Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Ever since the incident involving his father Gil Goodson has never lived the same life, especially at school. For him that is all about to change.

 Gil wants to move away and his only way to do that is to win the Golly Toy & Game Company’s ultimate competition. If he wins, his Dad said they can move away from all of the bad press and gossip that had haunted them since the incident.  The competition involves beating thousands of others in order to win.  He battled through the puzzles and master trivia and performed physical stunts and he had to be the best. He couldn’t be anything else. He could only be the best, because a chance at a normal life was only possible if he won the competition and they could move out of the town. The question was, could he do it?

 During the course of the contest, Gil learns how to work with the kids who were his enemies.  He had to depend on them for help through the tasks and events that occur throughout the game. Gil also learned that as long as he didn’t give up, he was capable of great things.  He overcame great obstacles, mentally and physically, in order to succeed.  

 This book would be great for people who like books about challenges to widen the imagination. The reader was able to solve some of the brainteasers and puzzles that Gil faced which made for interesting reading that you don’t usually find in books.  In some cases, the reader was able to solve them before Gil did.  It added an extra challenge to the book, even though it was an easy read. Other people have said it is an adventure to read and is appropriate for many ages.

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